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marcellino agatha

Harap sabar untuk menunggu, M.A pasti akan add link anda paling lambat 7 x24 jam.
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Tiap 2 minggu atau 1 bulan sekali Blog M.A akan mengecek keberadaan link Blog M.A di situs anda. Bila Link Blog M.A sudah tidak lagi tercantum di daftar link anda, maka Blog M.A juga akan mendelete link anda.

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Artikel ini di copy dari Marcellino. Silakan Copy Artikel ini dan posting pada blog anda dengan menyertakan link sumber nya.
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Run at Startup Policy

To create or modify the list of programs that start automatically when you log on to your computer, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type mmc, and then click OK.

3. On the File menu, click Add / Remove Snap-ins.
4. Click Add.
5. Under the Stand Alone Snap-ins that are available, click Group Policy, click Add, and then click Finish.

NOTE : If you do not want to edit the Local Computer policy, click Browse to locate the grou policy object you want. Give the user name and password if prompted, and then click Finish when you return to the dialog box Select the Group Policy Object.

6. Click Close, and then in the dialog box Add / Remove Snap-in, click OK.
7. On the left side of the Group Policy snap-in, expand Local Computer Policy, expand Computer Configuration, and then expand Administrative Templates.
8. Expand the System object, click the Logon object, and then double click the right side of the Run this program on user logon.
9. Click Enabled, and then click Show.
10. Click Add, type the program or document file name of an executable (. Exe) that you want, and then click OK. You must specify the path to the file except when located in the folder% Systemroot%.
11. Repeat step 10 to add other items to the list of items that must be run during logon.
12. Click OK twice.

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